GUARD THE GOODS: Keep your coffee beans fresher longer by storing them in Atmos, a vacuum-sealed storage canister. Simply twist the lid back and forth to remove air from the inside, limit oxygen exposure, and help keep your coffee from going stale.
FELLOW: Experts in coffee with a love for product design, we at Fellow believe coffee is a journey. We are dedicated to melding beautiful design with flawless functionality to help aficionados and beginners alike find the fun in the brewing process.
MUCH MORE THAN COFFEE: Stash peppercorns, loose-leaf tea, peanuts, spices, and anything you want to keep fresh in this food storage container. It's made out of food-safe 304 18/8 stainless steel and should be washed by hand.
DISTINCT STORAGE CONTAINERS: The sleek design of this food storage solution brings a contemporary flair to your kitchen countertop and pantry. You can combine Atmos' different sizes and colors to create an attractive storage ensemble in your kitchen.
AIRTIGHT SEAL: A beautifully functional and fully sealable jar, Atmos has a powerful silicone ring that stops air, moisture, odors, and other funk from seeping in. When left unopened Atmos’ seal will keep air out for around a week in-between brews.